Bali Sukainah Trust’s Origin Story Explained Through Founder’s Heartfelt Words

Growing up as a daughter having great love for my father, the profound connection with Bali Sakeenaس has been woven into the fabric of my being since childhood.

Attending Majalis and immersing myself in the heart-rending tale of Bibi’s journey – from Medina to Karbala, Karbala to Syria, and finally, back to Allah (SWT), filled with the agony of separation from her Baba, Imam Hussainع – has engraved an indelible mark on my heart. It was during one prayer session in our praying room that the weight of Bibi’s anguish in that dungeon became palpable to me when the lights went out.

The surrounding darkness and the ache of being apart from my father in those moments drew a poignant parallel to her pain. Tears welled up in my eyes as I wept for the brutalities Bibiس endured, momentarily forgetting my sorrows on the prayer mat.

From that transformative day onward, I resolved to undertake something meaningful for the sake of Bibi Sakeenaس. Initially contemplating scarf distributions and later considering earrings for young girls in her name, various ideas wavered in my mind as days passed.

Amid these thoughts, my desire to assist students struggling with funding their higher education simmered within me. The idea of creating an organization to address this need lingered, but financial constraints and my age, being only twenty at the time, impeded immediate action. Realizing it might take 5-10 years to accumulate the necessary funds, I chose to wait.

However, in February 2024, a mere 1.5 years after the initial contemplation, impatience and eagerness to aid those in need led me to take the plunge.

Inspired by the Quranic verse (2:3) from Surah Baqarah, “And they spend out of what we have provided them,” I embraced the decision to start my organization.

Amidst the exhilaration of establishing an Instagram account for my endeavor, the challenge of selecting a name loomed. Despite brainstorming and discussions with an acquaintance, I struggled to find a name that resonated. Then, the thought of Bibi Sakeenaس, whom I admired and wanted to honor, entered my mind. Opting for her name seemed fitting.

You might wonder why it's spelled as ‘Sukainah’ and not ‘Sakeena.’ I chose Sukainah, drawn to its pronunciation and also recognizing Bibi's association with three names: Sakeena, Sukainah, and Ruqqayah.

Credit for the term ‘Bali,’ meaning ‘little girl,’ goes to the renowned noha khuwan Syed Ali Jee, son of Syed Nadeem Sarwar, whose touching lament about Bibi Sakeenaس’s sufferings (Ye Bali Sakeena Hai) deeply resonated with me. And finally, ‘Bali Sukainah Trust’ found its identity.

Mixing my interests, personal experiences, love for Bibi Sakeenaس, and the intention to do good for the sake of Allah (SWT), my passion project, Bali Sukainah Trust, took flight.

Encompassing three vital departments – hunger, education, and poverty – I aim to distribute monthly Niyaz e Hussainع to the needy, combat malnutrition among children under five, raise awareness about Imam e Zamanaع, educate youth on various skills for financial independence, fund deserving students to continue their higher education, and create opportunities for those caught up by poverty in Pakistan.

While I acknowledge the enormity of this endeavor and understand that achieving it all is a gradual process, I earnestly seek your support to transform these aspirations into reality. Your contribution can make a profound impact on deserving communities in Pakistan, improving their lives one step at a time.

In embarking on this journey with Bali Sukainah Trust, I am fueled by the spirit of compassion, the teachings of Allah (SWT), and the devotion to AhlulBaytع. You can join me in realizing these goals, and together, let us sow the seeds of compassion and transformation in the service of Allah (SWT) and AhlulBaytع.

“Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small, because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame.”—Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talibع


Founder, Bali Sukainah Trust